Some essential Cisco SAN switch commands categorized based on usage:
1. Basic Switch Management
- Check switch version
show version
- Check running configuration
show running-config
- Check startup configuration
show startup-config
- Save configuration
copy running-config startup-config
- Reload the switch
2. Interface & Port Management
- Check port status
show interface brief
- Check detailed port statistics
show interface fc1/1
- Enable or disable a port
conf t
interface fc1/1
no shutdown # To enable
shutdown # To disable
- Check error statistics on a port
show interface fc1/1 counters errors
3. Zoning & VSAN Management
- Check active zoneset
show zoneset active
- Check defined zones
show zone
- Check VSANs
show vsan
- Create a new VSAN
conf t
vsan 10
name My_VSAN
- Assign a port to a VSAN
conf t
interface fc1/1
switchport mode F
switchport trunk mode off
switchport vsan 10
4. Zoning Configuration
- Create a new zone
conf t
zone name My_Zone vsan 10
member pwwn 20:00:00:25:b5:11:22:33
- Create a zoneset and add a zone
conf t
zoneset name My_Zoneset vsan 10
member My_Zone
- Activate a zoneset
conf t
zoneset activate name My_Zoneset vsan 10
- Check zoning configuration
show zone status
- Check WWN details of connected devices
show flogi database
5. Fabric & Connectivity
- Check domain ID of the switch
show fcdomain domain-list
- Check fabric logins (FLOGI)
show flogi database
- Check principal switch in the fabric
show fcdomain
- Check Fibre Channel routes
show fcns database
- Check connected devices in a VSAN
show fcns database vsan 10
6. Monitoring & Troubleshooting
- Check switch logs
show logging log
- Check all connected devices (Name Server)
show fcns database
- Check Fibre Channel statistics
show tech-support details
- Check switch health status
show system health
- Check buffer-to-buffer credits
show buffers
- Run diagnostics on a port
diagnostic start module 1 test all
- Show traffic statistics on a port
show interface fc1/1 counters
7. Firmware Upgrade
- Check current firmware version
show install all
- Upload firmware via SCP/TFTP
copy scp://username@server/path/image.bin bootflash:
- Start firmware installation
install all system bootflash:image.bin
8. Licensing & Configuration Backup
- Check installed licenses
show license usage
- Backup switch configuration
copy running-config tftp://<server>/switch_backup.cfg
- Restore configuration from TFTP
copy tftp://<server>/switch_backup.cfg running-config