Brocade SAN Switch commands

Brocade SAN switches use the Fabric OS (FOS) CLI for configuration, management, and troubleshooting.

1. Basic Switch Information

switchshowDisplay switch name, domain ID, and status
fabricshowShow all switches in the fabric
firmwareshowDisplay installed firmware version
chassisshowShow chassis-related information
licenseshowShow installed licenses
switchstatusshowShow switch and port status summary
uptimeShow how long the switch has been running

2. Port Management

portshow <port>Display detailed information about a specific port
portstatshowShow statistics for all ports
porterrshowDisplay port errors and statistics
portcfgshow <port>Show the configuration of a specific port
portdisable <port>Disable a specific port
portenable <port>Enable a specific port
portlogshow <port>Show port log details
portcfgspeed <port> <speed>Set port speed (e.g., 16G, 32G)

3. Zoning Commands

cfgshowShow active zoning configuration
zoneshowShow all zone details
zonecreate <zone_name>, "<WWN1>;<WWN2>"Create a new zone
zonedelete <zone_name>Delete a zone
zoneadd <zone_name>, "<WWN>"Add a member to a zone
zoneremove <zone_name>, "<WWN>"Remove a member from a zone
cfgcreate <cfg_name>, "<zone1>;<zone2>"Create a new zone configuration
cfgdelete <cfg_name>Delete a zone configuration
cfgadd <cfg_name>, "<zone_name>"Add a zone to a configuration
cfgrename <old_cfg>, <new_cfg>Rename a zone configuration
cfgremove <cfg_name>, "<zone_name>"Remove a zone from configuration
cfgenable <cfg_name>Enable a zone configuration (activates zoning)
cfgdisableDisable zoning
cfgsaveSave zoning configuration
cfgtransshowShow pending zoning transactions

4. Alias Management

alicreate "<alias_name>", "<WWN>"Create a new alias
alishowShow all aliases
alidelete "<alias_name>"Delete an alias
aliadd "<alias_name>", "<WWN>"Add a member to an alias
aliremove "<alias_name>", "<WWN>"Remove a member from an alias

5. Fabric and Connectivity

fabricshowShow switches in the fabric
trunkshowDisplay trunking information
islshowShow ISL (Inter-Switch Link) details
nsallshowShow all registered devices in the fabric (Name Server)
nsshow <WWN>Show details of a specific WWN
switchshowShow switch details
topologyshowShow fabric topology

6. Security & User Management

passwdChange user password
userconfig --showShow all configured users
userconfig --add <user> -r <role> -p <password>Create a new user
userconfig --delete <user>Delete a user
auditcfg --showShow audit configuration

7. Performance Monitoring

sfpshow <port>Display SFP details for a given port
sensorreadingshowShow temperature, voltage, and other hardware sensor data
slotshowShow blade/slot information (for Director-class switches)
fabriclog -sDisplay fabric logs

8. Logs and Diagnostics

errdumpShow system error messages
errclearClear error logs
supportshowCollect diagnostic information for support
supportsaveSave logs to a remote server (FTP/SFTP)
diagshowRun diagnostics on the switch

9. Firmware Management

firmwareshowShow current firmware version
firmwaredownloadUpgrade firmware (requires TFTP/FTP/SFTP server)
firmwarecommitCommit the firmware after upgrade

10. Reboot & Configuration

switchcfgpersistentdisableDisable switch persistently
switchcfgpersistentenableEnable switch persistently
switchdisableDisable switch temporarily
switchenableEnable switch
rebootReboot the switch
configshowShow switch configuration
configuploadBackup configuration to a remote server
configdownloadRestore configuration from a remote server

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