Brocade SAN switches use the Fabric OS (FOS) CLI for configuration, management, and troubleshooting.
1. Basic Switch Information
Command | Description |
switchshow | Display switch name, domain ID, and status |
fabricshow | Show all switches in the fabric |
firmwareshow | Display installed firmware version |
chassisshow | Show chassis-related information |
licenseshow | Show installed licenses |
switchstatusshow | Show switch and port status summary |
uptime | Show how long the switch has been running |
2. Port Management
Command | Description |
portshow <port> | Display detailed information about a specific port |
portstatshow | Show statistics for all ports |
porterrshow | Display port errors and statistics |
portcfgshow <port> | Show the configuration of a specific port |
portdisable <port> | Disable a specific port |
portenable <port> | Enable a specific port |
portlogshow <port> | Show port log details |
portcfgspeed <port> <speed> | Set port speed (e.g., 16G, 32G) |
3. Zoning Commands
Command | Description |
cfgshow | Show active zoning configuration |
zoneshow | Show all zone details |
zonecreate <zone_name>, "<WWN1>;<WWN2>" | Create a new zone |
zonedelete <zone_name> | Delete a zone |
zoneadd <zone_name>, "<WWN>" | Add a member to a zone |
zoneremove <zone_name>, "<WWN>" | Remove a member from a zone |
cfgcreate <cfg_name>, "<zone1>;<zone2>" | Create a new zone configuration |
cfgdelete <cfg_name> | Delete a zone configuration |
cfgadd <cfg_name>, "<zone_name>" | Add a zone to a configuration |
cfgrename <old_cfg>, <new_cfg> | Rename a zone configuration |
cfgremove <cfg_name>, "<zone_name>" | Remove a zone from configuration |
cfgenable <cfg_name> | Enable a zone configuration (activates zoning) |
cfgdisable | Disable zoning |
cfgsave | Save zoning configuration |
cfgtransshow | Show pending zoning transactions |
4. Alias Management
Command | Description |
alicreate "<alias_name>", "<WWN>" | Create a new alias |
alishow | Show all aliases |
alidelete "<alias_name>" | Delete an alias |
aliadd "<alias_name>", "<WWN>" | Add a member to an alias |
aliremove "<alias_name>", "<WWN>" | Remove a member from an alias |
5. Fabric and Connectivity
Command | Description |
fabricshow | Show switches in the fabric |
trunkshow | Display trunking information |
islshow | Show ISL (Inter-Switch Link) details |
nsallshow | Show all registered devices in the fabric (Name Server) |
nsshow <WWN> | Show details of a specific WWN |
switchshow | Show switch details |
topologyshow | Show fabric topology |
6. Security & User Management
Command | Description |
passwd | Change user password |
userconfig --show | Show all configured users |
userconfig --add <user> -r <role> -p <password> | Create a new user |
userconfig --delete <user> | Delete a user |
auditcfg --show | Show audit configuration |
7. Performance Monitoring
Command | Description |
sfpshow <port> | Display SFP details for a given port |
sensorreadingshow | Show temperature, voltage, and other hardware sensor data |
slotshow | Show blade/slot information (for Director-class switches) |
fabriclog -s | Display fabric logs |
8. Logs and Diagnostics
Command | Description |
errdump | Show system error messages |
errclear | Clear error logs |
supportshow | Collect diagnostic information for support |
supportsave | Save logs to a remote server (FTP/SFTP) |
diagshow | Run diagnostics on the switch |
9. Firmware Management
Command | Description |
firmwareshow | Show current firmware version |
firmwaredownload | Upgrade firmware (requires TFTP/FTP/SFTP server) |
firmwarecommit | Commit the firmware after upgrade |
10. Reboot & Configuration
Command | Description |
switchcfgpersistentdisable | Disable switch persistently |
switchcfgpersistentenable | Enable switch persistently |
switchdisable | Disable switch temporarily |
switchenable | Enable switch |
reboot | Reboot the switch |
configshow | Show switch configuration |
configupload | Backup configuration to a remote server |
configdownload | Restore configuration from a remote server |