1. Zoning Commands
These commands manage zoning configurations in a SAN fabric.
Command | Description | Example |
zoneCreate | Creates a new zone with members. | zoneCreate "Zone1", "10:00:00:11:11:22:33:44" |
zoneAdd | Adds members to an existing zone. | zoneAdd "Zone1", "10:00:00:55:66:77:88:99" |
zoneRemove | Removes members from a zone. | zoneRemove "Zone1", "10:00:00:11:11:22:33:44" |
zoneDelete | Deletes a zone from the configuration. | zoneDelete "Zone1" |
zoneShow | Displays zoning information. | zoneShow |
aliCreate | Creates an alias for a WWN or port. | aliCreate "Alias1", "10:00:00:11:22:33:44:55" |
aliAdd | Adds members to an alias. | aliAdd "Alias1", "10:00:00:66:77:88:99:AA:BB" |
aliRemove | Removes members from an alias. | aliRemove "Alias1", "10:00:00:11:22:33:44:55" |
aliDelete | Deletes an alias. | aliDelete "Alias1" |
cfgCreate | Creates a new zoning configuration. | cfgCreate "SAN_Config", "Zone1" |
cfgAdd | Adds zones to a configuration. | cfgAdd "SAN_Config", "Zone2" |
cfgRemove | Removes zones from a configuration. | cfgRemove "SAN_Config", "Zone1" |
cfgEnable | Activates a zoning configuration. | cfgEnable "SAN_Config" |
cfgShow | Displays the current zoning configuration. | cfgShow |
2. Port Management Commands
Used to configure and monitor switch ports.
Command | Description | Example |
portEnable | Enables a specific port. | portEnable 1/10 |
portDisable | Disables a specific port. | portDisable 1/10 |
portShow | Displays port status and details. | portShow |
portStatsShow | Displays port statistics. | portStatsShow 1/10 |
portStatsClear | Clears port statistics. | portStatsClear 1/10 |
portCfgShow | Shows current port configurations. | portCfgShow 1/10 |
portCfgSpeed | Configures the port speed. | portCfgSpeed 1/10, 16G |
portCfgTrunkPort | Enables trunking on a port. | portCfgTrunkPort 1/10, 1 |
portCfgFec | Enables or disables Forward Error Correction (FEC). | portCfgFec 1/10, on |
3. Chassis & Switch Management
Commands for managing the chassis and switch.
Command | Description | Example |
switchShow | Displays switch information. | switchShow |
switchEnable | Enables the switch. | switchEnable |
switchDisable | Disables the switch. | switchDisable |
switchName | Sets or displays the switch name. | switchName "DC_Switch_1" |
chassisShow | Displays chassis information. | chassisShow |
chassisEnable | Enables the chassis. | chassisEnable |
chassisDisable | Disables the chassis. | chassisDisable |
chassisBeacon | Turns chassis beacon light on/off. | chassisBeacon on |
4. Security & Authentication
Commands related to security, authentication, and access management.
Command | Description | Example |
aaaConfig | Configures AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting). | aaaConfig --show |
passwd | Changes user password. | passwd |
roleConfig | Configures user roles and permissions. | roleConfig --show |
ldapCfg | Configures LDAP settings. | ldapCfg --show |
authUtil | Displays authentication details. | authUtil |
secPolicyShow | Displays security policies. | secPolicyShow |
5. Firmware & Configuration Management
Used for firmware upgrades and configuration management.
Command | Description | Example |
firmwareDownload | Downloads new firmware to the switch. | firmwareDownload -scp -file firmware.zip -user admin |
firmwareActivate | Activates downloaded firmware. | firmwareActivate |
firmwareShow | Displays the current firmware version. | firmwareShow |
configShow | Displays the switch configuration. | configShow |
configUpload | Uploads the configuration to a remote server. | configUpload -ftp -file backup.txt -user admin |
configDownload | Downloads a configuration file. | configDownload -ftp -file switch_config.txt -user admin |
configList | Lists available configurations. | configList |
configRemove | Removes a saved configuration. | configRemove "Backup_2025-02-16" |
factoryReset | Resets the switch to factory settings. | factoryReset |
6. Monitoring & Logs
Commands for event logs, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
Command | Description | Example |
errShow | Displays error logs. | errShow |
errClear | Clears error logs. | errClear |
auditDump | Displays audit logs. | auditDump |
fabricLog | Displays fabric-wide logs. | fabricLog |
supportSave | Saves diagnostic information for troubleshooting. | supportSave -ftp -user admin |
historyShow | Displays the history of commands executed. | historyShow |
What’s Next?
I can add more categories like FICON commands, FCIP networking, or diagnostic commands if you need them. Let me know what specific section you want in more detail! 🚀
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ChatGPT said:
I’ll expand on more Fabric OS (FOS) command categories with descriptions and examples. Here’s the continuation:
7. Fabric Management Commands
These commands help manage the SAN fabric, principal switch selection, and topology.
Command | Description | Example |
fabricShow | Displays fabric-related information. | fabricShow |
fabricName | Shows or sets the fabric name. | fabricName "DC_Fabric1" |
fabricPrincipal | Sets the principal switch in the fabric. | fabricPrincipal -enable |
fabricNotification | Enables/disables fabric notifications. | fabricNotification --enable |
topologyShow | Displays the topology of the fabric. | topologyShow |
8. ISL (Inter-Switch Link) & Trunking Commands
Used for linking multiple switches together and aggregating bandwidth.
Command | Description | Example |
islShow | Displays ISL links between switches. | islShow |
trunkShow | Displays trunked ports and status. | trunkShow |
trunkDebug | Debugs trunking configuration. | trunkDebug |
portCfgTrunkPort | Enables trunking on a port. | portCfgTrunkPort 1/2, 1 |
portCfgEport | Configures a port as an E_Port (used for ISLs). | portCfgEport 1/2, on |
portCfgEXPort | Configures an EX_Port for FC Routing. | portCfgEXPort 1/5, on |
9. Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
These commands help with troubleshooting hardware/software issues in the SAN.
Command | Description | Example |
diagShow | Displays diagnostic results. | diagShow |
diagClearError | Clears diagnostic errors. | diagClearError |
diagEnablePost | Enables Power-On Self-Test (POST) diagnostics. | diagEnablePost |
diagDisablePost | Disables POST diagnostics. | diagDisablePost |
portDPortTest | Performs diagnostic port (D_Port) tests. | portDPortTest 1/5 |
fcPing | Tests connectivity to an FC device. | fcPing 10:00:00:11:22:33:44:55 |
ipsPing | Pings an IP address from the switch. | ipsPing |
ipsTraceRoute | Traces the network route to a destination. | ipsTraceRoute |
10. User & Role Management
Used to manage users, roles, and authentication settings.
Command | Description | Example |
userConfig | Configures user accounts. | userConfig --add admin |
passwd | Changes the current user’s password. | passwd |
roleConfig | Configures roles and permissions. | roleConfig --show |
ldapCfg | Configures LDAP authentication settings. | ldapCfg --show |
aaaConfig | Configures AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting). | aaaConfig --show |
11. SNMP & Syslog Configuration
Used for monitoring and logging via SNMP and syslog.
Command | Description | Example |
snmpConfig | Configures SNMP settings. | snmpConfig --show |
snmpStatistics | Displays SNMP statistics. | snmpStatistics |
syslogAdmin | Configures syslog settings. | syslogAdmin --show |
12. Time & Clock Synchronization
Commands for setting and synchronizing system time.
Command | Description | Example |
date | Displays or sets the current system date. | date |
tsClockServer | Configures the clock server for time sync. | tsClockServer "ntp.server.com" |
tsTimeZone | Sets the time zone for the switch. | tsTimeZone UTC-5 |
13. Firmware Upgrade & Maintenance
Used for upgrading firmware, backup, and restore.
Command | Description | Example |
firmwareDownload | Downloads new firmware to the switch. | firmwareDownload -scp -file firmware.zip -user admin |
firmwareActivate | Activates downloaded firmware. | firmwareActivate |
firmwareCommit | Commits firmware changes after upgrade. | firmwareCommit |
firmwareShow | Displays the current firmware version. | firmwareShow |
firmwareRestore | Restores the previous firmware version. | firmwareRestore |
configUpload | Uploads the switch configuration to a remote server. | configUpload -ftp -file backup.txt -user admin |
configDownload | Downloads a saved configuration. | configDownload -ftp -file switch_config.txt -user admin |
factoryReset | Resets the switch to factory settings. | factoryReset |
14. FC Routing & Virtual Fabrics
Used for Fibre Channel Routing (FCR) and Virtual Fabric (VF) management.
Command | Description | Example |
fcrFabricShow | Displays details about the FC routing fabric. | fcrFabricShow |
fcrRouteShow | Displays current FC routing paths. | fcrRouteShow |
lsCfg | Displays Logical Switch (LS) configuration. | lsCfg --show |
lsDbShow | Displays the Logical Switch database. | lsDbShow |
15. Miscellaneous Commands
General utility and support commands.
Command | Description | Example |
help | Displays available commands. | help |
version | Shows the current Fabric OS version. | version |
uptime | Displays switch uptime. | uptime |
reBoot | Reboots the switch. | reBoot |