Brocade FOS Commands with example

1. Zoning Commands

These commands manage zoning configurations in a SAN fabric.

zoneCreateCreates a new zone with members.zoneCreate "Zone1", "10:00:00:11:11:22:33:44"
zoneAddAdds members to an existing zone.zoneAdd "Zone1", "10:00:00:55:66:77:88:99"
zoneRemoveRemoves members from a zone.zoneRemove "Zone1", "10:00:00:11:11:22:33:44"
zoneDeleteDeletes a zone from the configuration.zoneDelete "Zone1"
zoneShowDisplays zoning information.zoneShow
aliCreateCreates an alias for a WWN or port.aliCreate "Alias1", "10:00:00:11:22:33:44:55"
aliAddAdds members to an alias.aliAdd "Alias1", "10:00:00:66:77:88:99:AA:BB"
aliRemoveRemoves members from an alias.aliRemove "Alias1", "10:00:00:11:22:33:44:55"
aliDeleteDeletes an alias.aliDelete "Alias1"
cfgCreateCreates a new zoning configuration.cfgCreate "SAN_Config", "Zone1"
cfgAddAdds zones to a configuration.cfgAdd "SAN_Config", "Zone2"
cfgRemoveRemoves zones from a configuration.cfgRemove "SAN_Config", "Zone1"
cfgEnableActivates a zoning configuration.cfgEnable "SAN_Config"
cfgShowDisplays the current zoning configuration.cfgShow

2. Port Management Commands

Used to configure and monitor switch ports.

portEnableEnables a specific port.portEnable 1/10
portDisableDisables a specific port.portDisable 1/10
portShowDisplays port status and details.portShow
portStatsShowDisplays port statistics.portStatsShow 1/10
portStatsClearClears port statistics.portStatsClear 1/10
portCfgShowShows current port configurations.portCfgShow 1/10
portCfgSpeedConfigures the port speed.portCfgSpeed 1/10, 16G
portCfgTrunkPortEnables trunking on a port.portCfgTrunkPort 1/10, 1
portCfgFecEnables or disables Forward Error Correction (FEC).portCfgFec 1/10, on

3. Chassis & Switch Management

Commands for managing the chassis and switch.

switchShowDisplays switch information.switchShow
switchEnableEnables the switch.switchEnable
switchDisableDisables the switch.switchDisable
switchNameSets or displays the switch name.switchName "DC_Switch_1"
chassisShowDisplays chassis information.chassisShow
chassisEnableEnables the chassis.chassisEnable
chassisDisableDisables the chassis.chassisDisable
chassisBeaconTurns chassis beacon light on/off.chassisBeacon on

4. Security & Authentication

Commands related to security, authentication, and access management.

aaaConfigConfigures AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting).aaaConfig --show
passwdChanges user password.passwd
roleConfigConfigures user roles and permissions.roleConfig --show
ldapCfgConfigures LDAP settings.ldapCfg --show
authUtilDisplays authentication details.authUtil
secPolicyShowDisplays security policies.secPolicyShow

5. Firmware & Configuration Management

Used for firmware upgrades and configuration management.

firmwareDownloadDownloads new firmware to the switch.firmwareDownload -scp -file -user admin
firmwareActivateActivates downloaded firmware.firmwareActivate
firmwareShowDisplays the current firmware version.firmwareShow
configShowDisplays the switch configuration.configShow
configUploadUploads the configuration to a remote server.configUpload -ftp -file backup.txt -user admin
configDownloadDownloads a configuration file.configDownload -ftp -file switch_config.txt -user admin
configListLists available configurations.configList
configRemoveRemoves a saved configuration.configRemove "Backup_2025-02-16"
factoryResetResets the switch to factory settings.factoryReset

6. Monitoring & Logs

Commands for event logs, monitoring, and troubleshooting.

errShowDisplays error logs.errShow
errClearClears error logs.errClear
auditDumpDisplays audit logs.auditDump
fabricLogDisplays fabric-wide logs.fabricLog
supportSaveSaves diagnostic information for troubleshooting.supportSave -ftp -user admin
historyShowDisplays the history of commands executed.historyShow

What’s Next?

I can add more categories like FICON commands, FCIP networking, or diagnostic commands if you need them. Let me know what specific section you want in more detail! 🚀


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ChatGPT said:

I’ll expand on more Fabric OS (FOS) command categories with descriptions and examples. Here’s the continuation:

7. Fabric Management Commands

These commands help manage the SAN fabric, principal switch selection, and topology.

fabricShowDisplays fabric-related information.fabricShow
fabricNameShows or sets the fabric name.fabricName "DC_Fabric1"
fabricPrincipalSets the principal switch in the fabric.fabricPrincipal -enable
fabricNotificationEnables/disables fabric notifications.fabricNotification --enable
topologyShowDisplays the topology of the fabric.topologyShow

8. ISL (Inter-Switch Link) & Trunking Commands

Used for linking multiple switches together and aggregating bandwidth.

islShowDisplays ISL links between switches.islShow
trunkShowDisplays trunked ports and status.trunkShow
trunkDebugDebugs trunking configuration.trunkDebug
portCfgTrunkPortEnables trunking on a port.portCfgTrunkPort 1/2, 1
portCfgEportConfigures a port as an E_Port (used for ISLs).portCfgEport 1/2, on
portCfgEXPortConfigures an EX_Port for FC Routing.portCfgEXPort 1/5, on

9. Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

These commands help with troubleshooting hardware/software issues in the SAN.

diagShowDisplays diagnostic results.diagShow
diagClearErrorClears diagnostic errors.diagClearError
diagEnablePostEnables Power-On Self-Test (POST) diagnostics.diagEnablePost
diagDisablePostDisables POST diagnostics.diagDisablePost
portDPortTestPerforms diagnostic port (D_Port) tests.portDPortTest 1/5
fcPingTests connectivity to an FC device.fcPing 10:00:00:11:22:33:44:55
ipsPingPings an IP address from the switch.ipsPing
ipsTraceRouteTraces the network route to a destination.ipsTraceRoute

10. User & Role Management

Used to manage users, roles, and authentication settings.

userConfigConfigures user accounts.userConfig --add admin
passwdChanges the current user’s password.passwd
roleConfigConfigures roles and permissions.roleConfig --show
ldapCfgConfigures LDAP authentication settings.ldapCfg --show
aaaConfigConfigures AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting).aaaConfig --show

11. SNMP & Syslog Configuration

Used for monitoring and logging via SNMP and syslog.

snmpConfigConfigures SNMP settings.snmpConfig --show
snmpStatisticsDisplays SNMP statistics.snmpStatistics
syslogAdminConfigures syslog settings.syslogAdmin --show

12. Time & Clock Synchronization

Commands for setting and synchronizing system time.

dateDisplays or sets the current system
tsClockServerConfigures the clock server for time sync.tsClockServer ""
tsTimeZoneSets the time zone for the switch.tsTimeZone UTC-5

13. Firmware Upgrade & Maintenance

Used for upgrading firmware, backup, and restore.

firmwareDownloadDownloads new firmware to the switch.firmwareDownload -scp -file -user admin
firmwareActivateActivates downloaded firmware.firmwareActivate
firmwareCommitCommits firmware changes after upgrade.firmwareCommit
firmwareShowDisplays the current firmware version.firmwareShow
firmwareRestoreRestores the previous firmware version.firmwareRestore
configUploadUploads the switch configuration to a remote server.configUpload -ftp -file backup.txt -user admin
configDownloadDownloads a saved configuration.configDownload -ftp -file switch_config.txt -user admin
factoryResetResets the switch to factory settings.factoryReset

14. FC Routing & Virtual Fabrics

Used for Fibre Channel Routing (FCR) and Virtual Fabric (VF) management.

fcrFabricShowDisplays details about the FC routing fabric.fcrFabricShow
fcrRouteShowDisplays current FC routing paths.fcrRouteShow
lsCfgDisplays Logical Switch (LS) configuration.lsCfg --show
lsDbShowDisplays the Logical Switch database.lsDbShow

15. Miscellaneous Commands

General utility and support commands.

helpDisplays available
versionShows the current Fabric OS version.version
uptimeDisplays switch uptime.uptime
reBootReboots the switch.reBoot

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