Breakdown of All Brocade Fabric OS (FOS) command along with its description and examples:
Note:Â Before executing any command, verify the available options using -h
or --help
to view more details.
Command Name | Description | Example Usage |
aaaConfig | Configures authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) settings. | aaaConfig –show (Displays current AAA settings) |
ag | Manages Access Gateway (AG) settings. | ag –mode enable (Enables AG mode) |
agAutoMapBalance | Adjusts balance settings for AG auto-mapping. | agAutoMapBalance –enable |
agShow | Displays AG mode settings and status. | agShow |
aliAdd | Adds a member to an alias. | aliAdd “Server1” “10:00:00:00:C9:12:34:56” |
aliCreate | Creates a new alias for zoning. | aliCreate “Server1” “10:00:00:00:C9:12:34:56” |
aliDelete | Deletes an alias from the zone configuration. | aliDelete “Server1” |
aliRemove | Removes a member from an alias. | aliRemove “Server1” “10:00:00:00:C9:12:34:56” |
aliShow | Displays alias configurations. | aliShow |
appServer | Manages application server configurations. | appServer –status |
aptPolicy | Configures Adaptive Networking policies. | aptPolicy –enable |
auditCfg | Configures audit log settings. | auditCfg –set level high |
auditDump | Dumps audit logs. | auditDump |
authUtil | Utility for authentication services. | authUtil –show |
bannerSet | Sets the login banner. | bannerSet “Welcome to Brocade Switch” |
bannerShow | Displays the current login banner. | bannerShow |
bladeVerShow | Displays blade version information. | bladeVerShow |
cfgActvShow | Displays active zone configuration. | cfgActvShow |
cfgAdd | Adds a member to a zone configuration. | cfgAdd “New_Config” “Zone1” |
cfgClear | Clears all zoning configurations. | cfgClear |
cfgCreate | Creates a new zone configuration. | cfgCreate “New_Config” “Zone1” |
cfgDelete | Deletes a zone configuration. | cfgDelete “Old_Config” |
cfgDisable | Disables the active zone configuration. | cfgDisable |
cfgEnable | Enables a zone configuration. | cfgEnable “New_Config” |
cfgRemove | Removes a zone from a configuration. | cfgRemove “New_Config” “Zone1” |
cfgSave | Saves the current zone configuration. | cfgSave |
cfgShow | Displays the zone configurations. | cfgShow |
cfgSize | Displays zone configuration size. | cfgSize |
cfgTransAbort | Aborts an active zoning transaction. | cfgTransAbort |
cfgTransShow | Shows the current zoning transaction. | cfgTransShow |
chassisBeacon | Enables or disables chassis beaconing. | chassisBeacon –on |
chassisDisable | Disables the chassis. | chassisDisable |
chassisDistribute | Configures chassis distribution settings. | chassisDistribute –enable |
chassisEnable | Enables the chassis. | chassisEnable |
chassisName | Sets or shows the chassis name. | chassisName “CoreSwitch” |
chassisShow | Displays chassis details. | chassisShow |
classConfig | Manages class-based configurations. | classConfig –set priority high |
cliHistory | Shows command-line history. | cliHistory |
configDefault | Restores default configuration settings. | configDefault |
configDownload | Downloads configuration from a remote server. | configDownload -ftp -i |
configList | Lists available saved configurations. | configList |
configRemove | Removes a stored configuration. | configRemove “old_config” |
configShow | Displays current configuration settings. | configShow |
configUpload | Uploads configuration to a remote server. | configUpload -ftp -i |
configure | Enters configuration mode. | configure |
configureChassis | Configures chassis-wide settings. | configureChassis |
creditRecovMode | Configures credit recovery mode. | creditRecovMode –enable |
dataTypeShow | Displays supported data types. | dataTypeShow |
date | Displays or sets the system date. | date |
defZone | Configures the default zoning policy. | defZone –noaccess |
deviceLogin | Authenticates a device on the network. | deviceLogin –username admin –password ***** |
diagClearError | Clears diagnostic errors. | diagClearError |
diagDisablePost | Disables Power-On Self-Test (POST) diagnostics. | diagDisablePost |
diagEnablePost | Enables POST diagnostics. | diagEnablePost |
diagHelp | Displays help for diagnostic commands. | diagHelp |
diagPost | Runs POST diagnostics. | diagPost |
diagShow | Displays diagnostic test results. | diagShow |
diagStatus | Shows current diagnostic status. | diagStatus |
distribute | Distributes configuration settings across switches. | distribute –enable |
dlsReset | Resets Dynamic Load Sharing (DLS) settings. | dlsReset |
dlsSet | Configures DLS parameters. | dlsSet –policy round-robin |
dlsShow | Displays DLS configuration. | dlsShow |
dnsConfig | Configures DNS settings. | dnsConfig –server |
enclosureShow | Displays information about the enclosure. | enclosureShow |
errClear | Clears error logs. | errClear |
errDelimiterSet | Configures error log delimiters. | errDelimiterSet –char “,” |
errDump | Dumps error logs. | errDump |
errFilterSet | Configures error log filtering. | errFilterSet –level critical |
errModuleShow | Displays module-specific error logs. | errModuleShow |
errShow | Shows system error logs. | errShow |
ethIf | Manages Ethernet interfaces. | ethIf –show |
extnCfg | Configures extension services. | extnCfg –set mode high-performance |
extnPerfMon | Monitors extension performance. | extnPerfMon |
fabRetryShow | Displays fabric retry settings. | fabRetryShow |
fabRetryStats | Shows retry statistics for fabric operations. | fabRetryStats |
fabricLog | Displays fabric-related logs. | fabricLog |
fabricName | Shows or sets the fabric name. | fabricName “DataCenter_Fabric” |
fabricNotification | Configures fabric notifications. | fabricNotification –enable |
fabricPrincipal | Manages fabric principal switch settings. | fabricPrincipal –set 10 |
fabricShow | Displays fabric topology and configuration. | fabricShow |
fabStatsShow | Shows fabric statistics. | fabStatsShow |
factoryFanShow | Displays factory fan settings. | factoryFanShow |
factoryReset | Resets the switch to factory default settings. | factoryReset |
fanDisable | Disables a specific fan module. | fanDisable 1 |
fanEnable | Enables a specific fan module. | fanEnable 1 |
fanShow | Displays fan module status. | fanShow |
fastBoot | Enables fast boot mode. | fastBoot –enable |
fcipHelp | Displays help for FCIP commands. | fcipHelp |
fcipLedTest | Tests LED status on FCIP ports. | fcipLedTest –port 1 |
fcipPathTest | Tests FCIP path connectivity. | fcipPathTest –dest |
fcLag | Configures Fibre Channel Link Aggregation Group (LAG). | fcLag –create –ports 1/1 1/2 |
FCoE | Manages Fibre Channel over Ethernet settings. | FCoE –enable |
fcPing | Sends a ping request over Fibre Channel. | fcPing –target 20:00:00:25:B5:11:22:33 |
fcpLogClear | Clears FCP logs. | fcpLogClear |
fcpLogDisable | Disables FCP logging. | fcpLogDisable |
fcpLogEnable | Enables FCP logging. | fcpLogEnable |
fcpLogShow | Displays FCP log entries. | fcpLogShow |
fcpProbeShow | Displays FCP probe results. | fcpProbeShow |
fcpRlsProbe | Probes for registered FCP RLS (Read Link Status). | fcpRlsProbe |
fcpRlsShow | Displays FCP RLS details. | fcpRlsShow |
fcrBcastConfig | Configures broadcast settings for FCR (Fibre Channel Routing). | fcrBcastConfig –enable |
fcrConfigure | Configures Fibre Channel Routing (FCR) parameters. | fcrConfigure –enable |
fcrEdgeshow | Displays FCR edge fabric information. | fcrEdgeshow |
fcrFabricShow | Shows details of the routed fabric. | fcrFabricShow |
fcrIclPathBWMonitor | Monitors inter-chassis link (ICL) bandwidth for FCR. | fcrIclPathBWMonitor |
fcrLsanCount | Displays the number of LSAN zones. | fcrLsanCount |
fcrLsanMatrix | Displays LSAN matrix details. | fcrLsanMatrix |
fcrPhyDevShow | Displays physical devices in FCR. | fcrPhyDevShow |
fcrProxyConfig | Configures proxy settings for FCR. | fcrProxyConfig –add 20:00:00:25:B5:11:22:33 |
fcrProxyDevShow | Shows proxy devices in FCR. | fcrProxyDevShow |
fcrResourceShow | Displays FCR resource usage. | fcrResourceShow |
fcrRouterPortCost | Sets the cost of an FCR router port. | fcrRouterPortCost –port 1 –cost 10 |
fcrRouteShow | Shows the routing table for FCR. | fcrRouteShow |
fcrXlateConfig | Configures FCR translation settings. | fcrXlateConfig –enable |
fddCfg | Configures Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) parameters. | fddCfg –mode high-speed |
fdmiCacheShow | Displays FDMI cache details. | fdmiCacheShow |
fdmiShow | Shows Fibre Channel Device Management Interface (FDMI) information. | fdmiShow |
femDump | Dumps Fibre Channel Extended Management (FEM) logs. | femDump |
ficonCfg | Configures Fibre Connectivity (FICON) settings. | ficonCfg –enable |
ficonClear | Clears FICON-related configurations. | ficonClear |
ficonCupSet | Configures FICON Control Unit Port (CUP) settings. | ficonCupSet –mode active |
ficonCupShow | Displays FICON CUP status. | ficonCupShow |
ficonHelp | Shows help for FICON commands. | ficonHelp |
ficonShow | Displays FICON configuration details. | ficonShow |
firmwareActivate | Activates the newly downloaded firmware. | firmwareActivate |
firmwareCleanInstall | Performs a clean firmware installation. | firmwareCleanInstall |
firmwareCommit | Commits the firmware upgrade. | firmwareCommit |
firmwareDownload | Downloads new firmware to the system. | firmwareDownload –url ftp://server/firmware.pkg |
firmwareDownloadStatus | Shows the status of firmware download. | firmwareDownloadStatus |
firmwareRestore | Restores the previous firmware version. | firmwareRestore |
firmwareShow | Displays current firmware information. | firmwareShow |
firmwareSync | Synchronizes firmware between active and standby controllers. | firmwareSync |
flow | Manages traffic flow settings. | flow –set priority high |
fosConfig | Configures Fabric OS settings. | fosConfig –set logging enabled |
fosExec | Executes Fabric OS commands. | fosExec –command “show config” |
fpgaUpgrade | Upgrades the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). | fpgaUpgrade –file fpga.bin |
fpiProfile | Manages Fibre Channel Performance Insight (FPI) profiles. | fpiProfile –create high-performance |
frameLog | Displays Fibre Channel frame logs. | frameLog |
fruDump | Dumps Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) logs. | fruDump |
fspfShow | Displays Fibre Shortest Path First (FSPF) routing details. | fspfShow |
gePortErrShow | Shows error statistics for Gigabit Ethernet (GE) ports. | gePortErrShow |
gePortPerfShow | Displays performance statistics for GE ports. | gePortPerfShow |
haDisable | Disables high availability (HA) mode. | haDisable |
haDump | Dumps HA logs for troubleshooting. | haDump |
haEnable | Enables HA mode. | haEnable |
haFailover | Initiates HA failover. | haFailover |
haReboot | Reboots the HA system. | haReboot |
haRedundancy | Shows HA redundancy status. | haRedundancy |
haShow | Displays HA configuration details. | haShow |
haShutdown | Shuts down the HA system. | haShutdown |
help | Displays a list of available commands. | help |
history | Shows the command execution history. | history |
historyLastShow | Displays the last command executed. | historyLastShow |
historyMode | Configures the history mode settings. | historyMode –set unlimited |
historyShow | Displays the full command history. | historyShow |
iflShow | Displays Inter-Fabric Link (IFL) status. | iflShow |
iodReset | Resets IO Distribution (IOD) statistics. | iodReset |
iodSet | Configures IOD parameters. | iodSet –mode adaptive |
iodShow | Displays IOD configuration. | iodShow |
ipAddrSet | Configures the IP address of the system. | ipAddrSet –ip –mask –gw |
ipAddrShow | Displays the current IP address configuration. | ipAddrShow |
ipfilter | Configures IP filters for access control. | ipfilter –add –deny |
ipsArpTable | Displays the ARP table. | ipsArpTable |
ipsConfigurationSize | Shows the size of IP configuration data. | ipsConfigurationSize |
ipsDiag | Runs IP diagnostics. | ipsDiag –interface eth0 |
ipsInterface | Manages network interfaces. | ipsInterface –show |
ipsLag | Configures Link Aggregation Group (LAG). | ipsLag –add eth1 eth2 |
ipsNeighborInfo | Displays neighbor discovery protocol details. | ipsNeighborInfo |
ipsPathVerify | Verifies network paths. | ipsPathVerify –dst |
ipsPing | Sends an ICMP echo request to check connectivity. | ipsPing |
ipsReachable | Checks if a host is reachable. | ipsReachable –host |
ipsRouteTable | Displays the routing table. | ipsRouteTable |
ipsStaticArp | Configures static ARP entries. | ipsStaticArp –add 00:11:22:33:44:55 |
ipsStaticRoute | Configures static routes. | ipsStaticRoute –add via |
ipsTraceRoute | Traces the path packets take to a destination. | ipsTraceRoute |
ipsVlan | Configures VLAN settings. | ipsVlan –add 100 |
ipsVrf | Configures Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF). | ipsVrf –create vrf1 |
islShow | Displays Inter-Switch Link (ISL) status. | islShow |
isnsConfig | Configures iSNS settings. | isnsConfig –enable |
isnsDD | Displays iSNS Discovery Domain information. | isnsDD |
isnsDDSet | Configures iSNS Discovery Domains. | isnsDDSet –add domain1 |
isnsShow | Displays iSNS server details. | isnsShow |
itemList | Lists available items (unspecified usage). | itemList |
killTelnet | Terminates active Telnet sessions. | killTelnet |
lacp | Configures Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). | lacp –enable |
ldapCfg | Configures LDAP authentication settings. | ldapCfg –server –base dc=company,dc=com |
lfCfg | Configures Link Fault settings. | lfCfg –enable |
license | Manages software licenses. | license –show |
linkCost | Configures link cost for routing. | linkCost –port 1 –cost 5 |
lldp | Configures Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). | lldp –enable |
logicalGroup | Manages logical groups for zoning or policy enforcement. | logicalGroup –create storage-group |
logout | Logs out of the current session. | logout |
lsanZoneShow | Displays details of LSAN zones. | lsanZoneShow |
lsCfg | Configures logical switches. | lsCfg –enable |
lsDbShow | Displays the logical switch database. | lsDbShow |
mapsConfig | Configures MAPS (Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite). | mapsConfig –policy performance |
mapsDb | Displays MAPS database details. | mapsDb |
mapsHelp | Displays help for MAPS-related commands. | mapsHelp |
mapsPolicy | Configures MAPS policies. | mapsPolicy –add threshold_policy |
mapsRule | Configures MAPS rules for monitoring. | mapsRule –add rule1 –condition latency>5ms |
mapsSam | Displays MAPS System Activity Monitoring (SAM) logs. | mapsSam –show |
memShow | Displays memory usage details. | memShow |
mgmtApp | Manages applications running on the management interface. | mgmtApp –restart webserver |
motd | Sets the Message of the Day (MOTD) banner. | motd –set “Welcome to the system” |
msCapabilityShow | Displays Multiservice (MS) capabilities. | msCapabilityShow |
msPlatShow | Shows Multiservice Platform details. | msPlatShow |
msPlatShowDBCB | Displays database consistency for the MS platform. | msPlatShowDBCB |
msPlClearDB | Clears MS platform database. | msPlClearDB |
msPlMgmtActivate | Activates MS platform management. | msPlMgmtActivate |
msPlMgmtDeactivate | Deactivates MS platform management. | msPlMgmtDeactivate |
msTdDisable | Disables MS Target Discovery. | msTdDisable |
msTdEnable | Enables MS Target Discovery. | msTdEnable |
msTdReadConfig | Reads MS Target Discovery configuration. | msTdReadConfig |
myId | Displays the system’s unique identifier. | myId |
nbrShow | Shows neighbor device information. | nbrShow |
nbrStateShow | Displays the state of neighbor devices. | nbrStateShow |
nbrStatsClear | Clears neighbor statistics. | nbrStatsClear |
nodeFind | Finds a node by WWN or IP. | nodeFind –wwn 10:00:00:00:5e:00:53:af |
nodeWwn | Displays WWN details of connected nodes. | nodeWwn |
nsAliasShow | Displays alias information from the Name Server. | nsAliasShow |
nsAllShow | Displays all Name Server entries. | nsAllShow |
nsCamShow | Shows Name Server CAM table entries. | nsCamShow |
nsDevLog | Displays device login details from the Name Server. | nsDevLog |
nsShow | Displays Name Server database. | nsShow |
nsZoneMember | Shows zone members from the Name Server. | nsZoneMember |
nsZoneShow | Displays zoning information from the Name Server. | nsZoneShow |
objServer | Manages object storage servers. | objServer –list |
openSource | Displays open-source software information. | openSource |
passwd | Changes the user password. | passwd |
passwdCfg | Configures password policies. | passwdCfg –min-length 12 |
pathBwConfig | Configures bandwidth for a given path. | pathBwConfig –path A-B –bw 10Gbps |
pathInfo | Displays path information. | pathInfo –src –dst |
pdShow | Displays port diagnostic information. | pdShow |
portAddress | Shows port addressing information. | portAddress |
portBeacon | Enables or disables port beaconing. | portBeacon –enable |
portBufferCalc | Calculates buffer credit allocation. | portBufferCalc –port 1 |
portBufferShow | Displays buffer credit details. | portBufferShow |
portCamShow | Displays port CAM table. | portCamShow |
portCfg | Configures port settings. | portCfg –speed 16G |
portCfgAppHeader | Configures application-specific headers for a port. | portCfgAppHeader –set header1 |
portCfgAutoDisable | Automatically disables a port under specific conditions. | portCfgAutoDisable –enable |
portCfgBreakout | Configures breakout ports on modular switches. | portCfgBreakout –enable |
portCfgCleanAddress | Clears stored addresses on a port. | portCfgCleanAddress |
portCfgCompress | Configures compression on a port. | portCfgCompress –enable |
portCfgCongestionSignal | Enables congestion signaling for flow control. | portCfgCongestionSignal –enable |
portCfgCreditRecovery | Configures credit recovery on a port. | portCfgCreditRecovery –enable |
portCfgDefault | Resets port configuration to default settings. | portCfgDefault –port 5 |
portCfgDPort | Configures a diagnostic port (D-Port). | portCfgDPort –enable |
portCfgEncrypt | Enables encryption on a port. | portCfgEncrypt –enable |
portCfgEport | Configures an E_Port. | portCfgEport –enable |
portCfgEportCredits | Sets credit limit for an E_Port. | portCfgEportCredits –limit 128 |
portCfgEXPort | Configures an EX_Port for FCR. | portCfgEXPort –enable |
portCfgFaultDelay | Configures fault delay timeout for a port. | portCfgFaultDelay –time 5 |
portCfgFec | Enables Forward Error Correction (FEC). | portCfgFec –enable |
portCfgFlexPort | Configures a port as a flexible port (auto mode). | portCfgFlexPort –auto |
portCfgFlogiLogout | Enables FLOGI logout for specific conditions. | portCfgFlogiLogout –enable |
portCfgFportBuffers | Configures buffer credits for F_Ports. | portCfgFportBuffers –buffers 10 |
portCfgGE | Configures Gigabit Ethernet ports. | portCfgGE –speed 1G |
portCfgISLMode | Configures Inter-Switch Link (ISL) mode. | portCfgISLMode –enable |
portCfgLld | Configures Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). | portCfgLld –enable |
portCfgLongDistance | Configures a port for long-distance mode. | portCfgLongDistance –mode LD |
portCfgLossTov | Sets loss timeout value. | portCfgLossTov –time 100 |
portCfgMsAcl | Configures ACL for MS services. | portCfgMsAcl –add-rule rule1 |
portCfgNPIVPort | Configures NPIV for a port. | portCfgNPIVPort –enable |
portCfgNPort | Configures a port as an N_Port. | portCfgNPort –enable |
portCfgOctetSpeedCombo | Configures speed settings using octet-based values. | portCfgOctetSpeedCombo –speed 16G |
portCfgPersistence | Enables or disables port persistence across reboots. | portCfgPersistence –enable |
portCfgPersistentDisable | Disables a port persistently. | portCfgPersistentDisable –port 2 |
portCfgPersistentEnable | Enables a port persistently. | portCfgPersistentEnable –port 2 |
portCfgQoS | Configures Quality of Service (QoS) for a port. | portCfgQoS –priority high |
portCfgShow | Displays port configuration details. | portCfgShow –port 5 |
portCfgSpeed | Sets port speed. | portCfgSpeed –speed 16G |
portCfgTdz | Configures TDZ (traffic domain zoning) on a port. | portCfgTdz –enable |
portCfgTrunkPort | Configures a port as part of a trunk group. | portCfgTrunkPort –add 3 |
portChannel | Creates and manages port channels. | portChannel –create –members 1,2,3 |
portChannelShow | Displays port channel details. | portChannelShow |
portCmd | Executes port-related commands. | portCmd –show-status |
portDecom | Decommissions a port. | portDecom –port 7 |
portDisable | Disables a port. | portDisable –port 5 |
portDPortTest | Runs a D_Port diagnostic test. | portDPortTest –port 4 |
portEnable | Enables a port. | portEnable –port 5 |
portEncCompShow | Displays encryption and compression settings. | portEncCompShow –port 3 |
portErrShow | Displays port error statistics. | portErrShow –port 5 |
portFlagsShow | Displays port flag settings. | portFlagsShow –port 2 |
portImpair | Simulates link impairments for testing. | portImpair –delay 5ms |
portLedTest | Tests the LED functionality on a port. | portLedTest –port 3 |
portLogClear | Clears port log entries. | portLogClear –port 5 |
portLogConfigShow | Displays port log configuration. | portLogConfigShow –port 4 |
portLogDisable | Disables logging for a port. | portLogDisable –port 2 |
portLogDump | Dumps the port log to a file. | portLogDump –file logs.txt |
portLogDumpPort | Dumps logs for a specific port. | portLogDumpPort –port 6 |
portLogEnable | Enables logging for a port. | portLogEnable –port 2 |
portLogEventShow | Displays logged events for ports. | portLogEventShow –port 5 |
portLoginShow | Displays login status of devices on a port. | portLoginShow –port 7 |
portLogReset | Resets the port log. | portLogReset –port 3 |
portLogResize | Resizes the log buffer for ports. | portLogResize –size 10MB |
portLogShow | Displays port log entries. | portLogShow –port 5 |
portLogShowPort | Displays detailed logs for a specific port. | portLogShowPort –port 2 |
portLogTypeDisable | Disables specific log types for a port. | portLogTypeDisable –type error |
portLogTypeEnable | Enables specific log types for a port. | portLogTypeEnable –type error |
portLoopbackTest | Runs a loopback test on a port. | portLoopbackTest –port 5 |
portName | Assigns or displays the name of a port. | portName –set “StoragePort1” |
portPeerBeacon | Activates port beaconing for peer identification. | portPeerBeacon –port 3 |
portPerfShow | Displays port performance statistics. | portPerfShow –port 6 |
portShow | Displays detailed port information. | portShow –port 2 |
portStats64Show | Displays 64-bit port statistics. | portStats64Show –port 4 |
portStatsClear | Clears port statistics. | portStatsClear –port 5 |
portStatsShow | Displays port statistics. | portStatsShow –port 5 |
portTrunkArea | Manages trunking areas for ports. | portTrunkArea –set 10 |
portZoneShow | Displays zoning information for a port. | portZoneShow –port 7 |
powerOffListSet | Configures the power-off list for devices. | powerOffListSet –add device1 |
powerOffListShow | Displays the current power-off list. | powerOffListShow |
psShow | Displays power supply information. | psShow –all |
psUtil | Utility for managing power supplies. | psUtil –check-status |
rasAdmin | Administers RAS (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability) settings. | rasAdmin –enable |
rasMan | Manages RAS functions. | rasMan –restart |
reBoot | Reboots the system or switch. | reBoot |
relayConfig | Configures network relay settings. | relayConfig –set relay1 |
roleConfig | Manages user roles and permissions. | roleConfig –add admin |
ron | Read-only mode for configuration settings. | ron –enable |
routeHelp | Displays routing help information. | routeHelp |
sBoot | Performs a secure boot of the system. | sBoot |
sddQuarantine | Manages SDD (Self-Defending Device) quarantine settings. | sddQuarantine –list |
secActiveSize | Displays or configures active security size. | secActiveSize –show |
secAuthSecret | Configures security authentication secrets. | secAuthSecret –set key123 |
secCertMgmt | Manages security certificates. | secCertMgmt –import cert.pem |
secCryptoCfg | Configures cryptographic settings. | secCryptoCfg –enable |
secDefineSize | Sets or shows defined security size. | secDefineSize –set 2048 |
secPolicyAbort | Aborts a security policy transaction. | secPolicyAbort –policy default |
secPolicyActivate | Activates a security policy. | secPolicyActivate –policy secure1 |
secPolicyAdd | Adds a rule to a security policy. | secPolicyAdd –rule allow-all |
secPolicyCreate | Creates a new security policy. | secPolicyCreate –name policy1 |
secPolicyDelete | Deletes a security policy. | secPolicyDelete –name policy1 |
secPolicyDump | Dumps security policy details. | secPolicyDump –policy all |
secPolicyFCSMove | Moves FCS settings within security policies. | secPolicyFCSMove –from policy1 –to policy2 |
secPolicyRemove | Removes a rule from a security policy. | secPolicyRemove –rule deny-all |
secPolicySave | Saves the current security policy configuration. | secPolicySave |
secPolicyShow | Displays security policies. | secPolicyShow –all |
secStatsReset | Resets security-related statistics. | secStatsReset |
secStatsShow | Displays security statistics. | secStatsShow |
sensorShow | Displays sensor-related information. | sensorShow –temperature |
setContext | Sets the context for commands. | setContext –storage |
setVerbose | Enables or disables verbose mode. | setVerbose –enable |
sfpProgram | Programs SFP modules. | sfpProgram –update |
sfpShow | Displays SFP module details. | sfpShow –port 3 |
sfpUpgrade | Upgrades firmware on SFP modules. | sfpUpgrade –port 3 –firmware new_fw.bin |
shellFlowControlDisable | Disables shell flow control. | shellFlowControlDisable |
shellFlowControlEnable | Enables shell flow control. | shellFlowControlEnable |
slotCfg | Configures slot-related settings. | slotCfg –set slot1 |
slotCfgPersistence | Configures persistent settings for slots. | slotCfgPersistence –enable |
slotPowerOff | Powers off a specific slot. | slotPowerOff –slot 3 |
slotPowerOn | Powers on a specific slot. | slotPowerOn –slot 3 |
slotShow | Displays slot information. | slotShow –all |
slotStatsClear | Clears slot statistics. | slotStatsClear –slot 3 |
snmpConfig | Configures SNMP settings. | snmpConfig –set community=public |
snmpStatistics | Displays SNMP statistics. | snmpStatistics –show |
snmpTraps | Manages SNMP trap configurations. | snmpTraps –enable |
spinFab | Spins up the fabric interface for initialization. | spinFab –start |
sshUtil | Manages SSH configurations. | sshUtil –set key |
statsClear | Clears collected statistics. | statsClear –all |
supportFfdc | Collects First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) logs. | supportFfdc –collect |
supportFtp | Manages FTP-based support data collection. | supportFtp –enable |
supportInfoClear | Clears stored support information. | supportInfoClear |
supportLink | Displays support-related links. | supportLink –show |
supportSave | Saves support-related logs. | supportSave –to ftp://server/path |
supportShow | Displays system support details. | supportShow –all |
supportShowCfgDisable | Disables support configuration settings. | supportShowCfgDisable –setting logs |
supportShowCfgEnable | Enables support configuration settings. | supportShowCfgEnable –setting logs |
supportShowCfgShow | Displays current support configurations. | supportShowCfgShow |
switchBeacon | Enables beaconing on a switch. | switchBeacon –enable |
switchCfgPersistentDisable | Disables persistent switch configuration. | switchCfgPersistentDisable |
switchCfgPersistentEnable | Enables persistent switch configuration. | switchCfgPersistentEnable |
switchCfgSpeed | Configures switch speed settings. | switchCfgSpeed –set auto |
switchCfgTrunk | Configures switch trunking settings. | switchCfgTrunk –enable |
switchDecommission | Decommissions a switch from the fabric. | switchDecommission –id 101 |
switchDisable | Disables a switch. | switchDisable |
switchEnable | Enables a switch. | switchEnable |
switchName | Sets or displays the switch name. | switchName –set CoreSwitch |
switchShow | Displays switch information. | switchShow –all |
switchType | Displays the switch type. | switchType |
switchViolation | Displays switch violation details. | switchViolation –show |
syslogAdmin | Manages syslog settings. | syslogAdmin –set server= |
sysShutDown | Shuts down the system. | sysShutDown –confirm |
tcpTimeStamp | Configures TCP timestamp settings. | tcpTimeStamp –enable |
tempShow | Displays temperature sensor readings. | tempShow –all |
timeOut | Configures system timeout settings. | timeOut –set 600 |
topologyShow | Displays network topology. | topologyShow –fabric |
traceDump | Dumps trace logs for diagnostics. | traceDump –collect |
trafClass | Configures traffic classification settings. | trafClass –set high-priority |
trafOpt | Optimizes network traffic settings. | trafOpt –enable |
trunkDebug | Debugs trunk-related issues. | trunkDebug –port 5 |
trunkShow | Displays trunking status. | trunkShow –all |
tsClockServer | Sets the time synchronization server. | tsClockServer –set |
tsTimeZone | Configures the time zone settings. | tsTimeZone –set UTC |
turboRamTest | Runs a turbo RAM test. | turboRamTest –start |
upTime | Displays system uptime. | upTime |
uRouteShow | Displays user-defined routing table entries. | uRouteShow –all |
usbStorage | Manages USB storage settings. | usbStorage –enable |
userConfig | Configures user accounts and permissions. | userConfig –add admin |
version | Displays the system firmware version. | version |
wwn | Displays or configures World Wide Names (WWNs). | wwn –show |
wwnAddress | Configures WWN addresses. | wwnAddress –set 10:00:00:00:c9:12:34:56 |
wwnRecover | Recovers WWN settings. | wwnRecover –last |
zone | Manages zoning configurations. | zone –create storageZone |
zoneAdd | Adds a member to an existing zone. | zoneAdd –name storageZone –member 20:00:00:00:c9:12:34:56 |
zoneCreate | Creates a new zone. | zoneCreate –name storageZone |
zoneDelete | Deletes an existing zone. | zoneDelete –name storageZone |
zoneFabricLock | Locks the fabric zoning configuration. | zoneFabricLock –enable |
zoneHelp | Displays help for zoning commands. | zoneHelp |
zoneObjectCopy | Copies zoning object configurations. | zoneObjectCopy –source zone1 –destination zone2 |
zoneObjectExpunge | Removes outdated zoning objects. | zoneObjectExpunge –old |
zoneObjectRename | Renames a zoning object. | zoneObjectRename –oldname zone1 –newname zone2 |
zoneObjectReplace | Replaces zoning object definitions. | zoneObjectReplace –old zone1 –new zone2 |
zoneRemove | Removes a member from a zone. | zoneRemove –name storageZone –member 20:00:00:00:c9:12:34:56 |
zoneShow | Displays zoning configurations. | zoneShow –all |