Brocade all Fabric OS (FOS) commands

Breakdown of All Brocade Fabric OS (FOS) command along with its description and examples:

Note: Before executing any command, verify the available options using -h or --help to view more details.

Command Name Description Example Usage
aaaConfig Configures authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) settings. aaaConfig –show (Displays current AAA settings)
ag Manages Access Gateway (AG) settings. ag –mode enable (Enables AG mode)
agAutoMapBalance Adjusts balance settings for AG auto-mapping. agAutoMapBalance –enable
agShow Displays AG mode settings and status. agShow
aliAdd Adds a member to an alias. aliAdd “Server1” “10:00:00:00:C9:12:34:56”
aliCreate Creates a new alias for zoning. aliCreate “Server1” “10:00:00:00:C9:12:34:56”
aliDelete Deletes an alias from the zone configuration. aliDelete “Server1”
aliRemove Removes a member from an alias. aliRemove “Server1” “10:00:00:00:C9:12:34:56”
aliShow Displays alias configurations. aliShow
appServer Manages application server configurations. appServer –status
aptPolicy Configures Adaptive Networking policies. aptPolicy –enable
auditCfg Configures audit log settings. auditCfg –set level high
auditDump Dumps audit logs. auditDump
authUtil Utility for authentication services. authUtil –show
bannerSet Sets the login banner. bannerSet “Welcome to Brocade Switch”
bannerShow Displays the current login banner. bannerShow
bladeVerShow Displays blade version information. bladeVerShow
cfgActvShow Displays active zone configuration. cfgActvShow
cfgAdd Adds a member to a zone configuration. cfgAdd “New_Config” “Zone1”
cfgClear Clears all zoning configurations. cfgClear
cfgCreate Creates a new zone configuration. cfgCreate “New_Config” “Zone1”
cfgDelete Deletes a zone configuration. cfgDelete “Old_Config”
cfgDisable Disables the active zone configuration. cfgDisable
cfgEnable Enables a zone configuration. cfgEnable “New_Config”
cfgRemove Removes a zone from a configuration. cfgRemove “New_Config” “Zone1”
cfgSave Saves the current zone configuration. cfgSave
cfgShow Displays the zone configurations. cfgShow
cfgSize Displays zone configuration size. cfgSize
cfgTransAbort Aborts an active zoning transaction. cfgTransAbort
cfgTransShow Shows the current zoning transaction. cfgTransShow
chassisBeacon Enables or disables chassis beaconing. chassisBeacon –on
chassisDisable Disables the chassis. chassisDisable
chassisDistribute Configures chassis distribution settings. chassisDistribute –enable
chassisEnable Enables the chassis. chassisEnable
chassisName Sets or shows the chassis name. chassisName “CoreSwitch”
chassisShow Displays chassis details. chassisShow
classConfig Manages class-based configurations. classConfig –set priority high
cliHistory Shows command-line history. cliHistory
configDefault Restores default configuration settings. configDefault
configDownload Downloads configuration from a remote server. configDownload -ftp -i
configList Lists available saved configurations. configList
configRemove Removes a stored configuration. configRemove “old_config”
configShow Displays current configuration settings. configShow
configUpload Uploads configuration to a remote server. configUpload -ftp -i
configure Enters configuration mode. configure
configureChassis Configures chassis-wide settings. configureChassis
creditRecovMode Configures credit recovery mode. creditRecovMode –enable
dataTypeShow Displays supported data types. dataTypeShow
date Displays or sets the system date. date
defZone Configures the default zoning policy. defZone –noaccess
deviceLogin Authenticates a device on the network. deviceLogin –username admin –password *****
diagClearError Clears diagnostic errors. diagClearError
diagDisablePost Disables Power-On Self-Test (POST) diagnostics. diagDisablePost
diagEnablePost Enables POST diagnostics. diagEnablePost
diagHelp Displays help for diagnostic commands. diagHelp
diagPost Runs POST diagnostics. diagPost
diagShow Displays diagnostic test results. diagShow
diagStatus Shows current diagnostic status. diagStatus
distribute Distributes configuration settings across switches. distribute –enable
dlsReset Resets Dynamic Load Sharing (DLS) settings. dlsReset
dlsSet Configures DLS parameters. dlsSet –policy round-robin
dlsShow Displays DLS configuration. dlsShow
dnsConfig Configures DNS settings. dnsConfig –server
enclosureShow Displays information about the enclosure. enclosureShow
errClear Clears error logs. errClear
errDelimiterSet Configures error log delimiters. errDelimiterSet –char “,”
errDump Dumps error logs. errDump
errFilterSet Configures error log filtering. errFilterSet –level critical
errModuleShow Displays module-specific error logs. errModuleShow
errShow Shows system error logs. errShow
ethIf Manages Ethernet interfaces. ethIf –show
extnCfg Configures extension services. extnCfg –set mode high-performance
extnPerfMon Monitors extension performance. extnPerfMon
fabRetryShow Displays fabric retry settings. fabRetryShow
fabRetryStats Shows retry statistics for fabric operations. fabRetryStats
fabricLog Displays fabric-related logs. fabricLog
fabricName Shows or sets the fabric name. fabricName “DataCenter_Fabric”
fabricNotification Configures fabric notifications. fabricNotification –enable
fabricPrincipal Manages fabric principal switch settings. fabricPrincipal –set 10
fabricShow Displays fabric topology and configuration. fabricShow
fabStatsShow Shows fabric statistics. fabStatsShow
factoryFanShow Displays factory fan settings. factoryFanShow
factoryReset Resets the switch to factory default settings. factoryReset
fanDisable Disables a specific fan module. fanDisable 1
fanEnable Enables a specific fan module. fanEnable 1
fanShow Displays fan module status. fanShow
fastBoot Enables fast boot mode. fastBoot –enable
fcipHelp Displays help for FCIP commands. fcipHelp
fcipLedTest Tests LED status on FCIP ports. fcipLedTest –port 1
fcipPathTest Tests FCIP path connectivity. fcipPathTest –dest
fcLag Configures Fibre Channel Link Aggregation Group (LAG). fcLag –create –ports 1/1 1/2
FCoE Manages Fibre Channel over Ethernet settings. FCoE –enable
fcPing Sends a ping request over Fibre Channel. fcPing –target 20:00:00:25:B5:11:22:33
fcpLogClear Clears FCP logs. fcpLogClear
fcpLogDisable Disables FCP logging. fcpLogDisable
fcpLogEnable Enables FCP logging. fcpLogEnable
fcpLogShow Displays FCP log entries. fcpLogShow
fcpProbeShow Displays FCP probe results. fcpProbeShow
fcpRlsProbe Probes for registered FCP RLS (Read Link Status). fcpRlsProbe
fcpRlsShow Displays FCP RLS details. fcpRlsShow
fcrBcastConfig Configures broadcast settings for FCR (Fibre Channel Routing). fcrBcastConfig –enable
fcrConfigure Configures Fibre Channel Routing (FCR) parameters. fcrConfigure –enable
fcrEdgeshow Displays FCR edge fabric information. fcrEdgeshow
fcrFabricShow Shows details of the routed fabric. fcrFabricShow
fcrIclPathBWMonitor Monitors inter-chassis link (ICL) bandwidth for FCR. fcrIclPathBWMonitor
fcrLsanCount Displays the number of LSAN zones. fcrLsanCount
fcrLsanMatrix Displays LSAN matrix details. fcrLsanMatrix
fcrPhyDevShow Displays physical devices in FCR. fcrPhyDevShow
fcrProxyConfig Configures proxy settings for FCR. fcrProxyConfig –add 20:00:00:25:B5:11:22:33
fcrProxyDevShow Shows proxy devices in FCR. fcrProxyDevShow
fcrResourceShow Displays FCR resource usage. fcrResourceShow
fcrRouterPortCost Sets the cost of an FCR router port. fcrRouterPortCost –port 1 –cost 10
fcrRouteShow Shows the routing table for FCR. fcrRouteShow
fcrXlateConfig Configures FCR translation settings. fcrXlateConfig –enable
fddCfg Configures Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) parameters. fddCfg –mode high-speed
fdmiCacheShow Displays FDMI cache details. fdmiCacheShow
fdmiShow Shows Fibre Channel Device Management Interface (FDMI) information. fdmiShow
femDump Dumps Fibre Channel Extended Management (FEM) logs. femDump
ficonCfg Configures Fibre Connectivity (FICON) settings. ficonCfg –enable
ficonClear Clears FICON-related configurations. ficonClear
ficonCupSet Configures FICON Control Unit Port (CUP) settings. ficonCupSet –mode active
ficonCupShow Displays FICON CUP status. ficonCupShow
ficonHelp Shows help for FICON commands. ficonHelp
ficonShow Displays FICON configuration details. ficonShow
firmwareActivate Activates the newly downloaded firmware. firmwareActivate
firmwareCleanInstall Performs a clean firmware installation. firmwareCleanInstall
firmwareCommit Commits the firmware upgrade. firmwareCommit
firmwareDownload Downloads new firmware to the system. firmwareDownload –url ftp://server/firmware.pkg
firmwareDownloadStatus Shows the status of firmware download. firmwareDownloadStatus
firmwareRestore Restores the previous firmware version. firmwareRestore
firmwareShow Displays current firmware information. firmwareShow
firmwareSync Synchronizes firmware between active and standby controllers. firmwareSync
flow Manages traffic flow settings. flow –set priority high
fosConfig Configures Fabric OS settings. fosConfig –set logging enabled
fosExec Executes Fabric OS commands. fosExec –command “show config”
fpgaUpgrade Upgrades the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). fpgaUpgrade –file fpga.bin
fpiProfile Manages Fibre Channel Performance Insight (FPI) profiles. fpiProfile –create high-performance
frameLog Displays Fibre Channel frame logs. frameLog
fruDump Dumps Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) logs. fruDump
fspfShow Displays Fibre Shortest Path First (FSPF) routing details. fspfShow
gePortErrShow Shows error statistics for Gigabit Ethernet (GE) ports. gePortErrShow
gePortPerfShow Displays performance statistics for GE ports. gePortPerfShow
haDisable Disables high availability (HA) mode. haDisable
haDump Dumps HA logs for troubleshooting. haDump
haEnable Enables HA mode. haEnable
haFailover Initiates HA failover. haFailover
haReboot Reboots the HA system. haReboot
haRedundancy Shows HA redundancy status. haRedundancy
haShow Displays HA configuration details. haShow
haShutdown Shuts down the HA system. haShutdown
help Displays a list of available commands. help
history Shows the command execution history. history
historyLastShow Displays the last command executed. historyLastShow
historyMode Configures the history mode settings. historyMode –set unlimited
historyShow Displays the full command history. historyShow
iflShow Displays Inter-Fabric Link (IFL) status. iflShow
iodReset Resets IO Distribution (IOD) statistics. iodReset
iodSet Configures IOD parameters. iodSet –mode adaptive
iodShow Displays IOD configuration. iodShow
ipAddrSet Configures the IP address of the system. ipAddrSet –ip –mask –gw
ipAddrShow Displays the current IP address configuration. ipAddrShow
ipfilter Configures IP filters for access control. ipfilter –add –deny
ipsArpTable Displays the ARP table. ipsArpTable
ipsConfigurationSize Shows the size of IP configuration data. ipsConfigurationSize
ipsDiag Runs IP diagnostics. ipsDiag –interface eth0
ipsInterface Manages network interfaces. ipsInterface –show
ipsLag Configures Link Aggregation Group (LAG). ipsLag –add eth1 eth2
ipsNeighborInfo Displays neighbor discovery protocol details. ipsNeighborInfo
ipsPathVerify Verifies network paths. ipsPathVerify –dst
ipsPing Sends an ICMP echo request to check connectivity. ipsPing
ipsReachable Checks if a host is reachable. ipsReachable –host
ipsRouteTable Displays the routing table. ipsRouteTable
ipsStaticArp Configures static ARP entries. ipsStaticArp –add 00:11:22:33:44:55
ipsStaticRoute Configures static routes. ipsStaticRoute –add via
ipsTraceRoute Traces the path packets take to a destination. ipsTraceRoute
ipsVlan Configures VLAN settings. ipsVlan –add 100
ipsVrf Configures Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF). ipsVrf –create vrf1
islShow Displays Inter-Switch Link (ISL) status. islShow
isnsConfig Configures iSNS settings. isnsConfig –enable
isnsDD Displays iSNS Discovery Domain information. isnsDD
isnsDDSet Configures iSNS Discovery Domains. isnsDDSet –add domain1
isnsShow Displays iSNS server details. isnsShow
itemList Lists available items (unspecified usage). itemList
killTelnet Terminates active Telnet sessions. killTelnet
lacp Configures Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). lacp –enable
ldapCfg Configures LDAP authentication settings. ldapCfg –server –base dc=company,dc=com
lfCfg Configures Link Fault settings. lfCfg –enable
license Manages software licenses. license –show
linkCost Configures link cost for routing. linkCost –port 1 –cost 5
lldp Configures Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). lldp –enable
logicalGroup Manages logical groups for zoning or policy enforcement. logicalGroup –create storage-group
logout Logs out of the current session. logout
lsanZoneShow Displays details of LSAN zones. lsanZoneShow
lsCfg Configures logical switches. lsCfg –enable
lsDbShow Displays the logical switch database. lsDbShow
mapsConfig Configures MAPS (Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite). mapsConfig –policy performance
mapsDb Displays MAPS database details. mapsDb
mapsHelp Displays help for MAPS-related commands. mapsHelp
mapsPolicy Configures MAPS policies. mapsPolicy –add threshold_policy
mapsRule Configures MAPS rules for monitoring. mapsRule –add rule1 –condition latency>5ms
mapsSam Displays MAPS System Activity Monitoring (SAM) logs. mapsSam –show
memShow Displays memory usage details. memShow
mgmtApp Manages applications running on the management interface. mgmtApp –restart webserver
motd Sets the Message of the Day (MOTD) banner. motd –set “Welcome to the system”
msCapabilityShow Displays Multiservice (MS) capabilities. msCapabilityShow
msPlatShow Shows Multiservice Platform details. msPlatShow
msPlatShowDBCB Displays database consistency for the MS platform. msPlatShowDBCB
msPlClearDB Clears MS platform database. msPlClearDB
msPlMgmtActivate Activates MS platform management. msPlMgmtActivate
msPlMgmtDeactivate Deactivates MS platform management. msPlMgmtDeactivate
msTdDisable Disables MS Target Discovery. msTdDisable
msTdEnable Enables MS Target Discovery. msTdEnable
msTdReadConfig Reads MS Target Discovery configuration. msTdReadConfig
myId Displays the system’s unique identifier. myId
nbrShow Shows neighbor device information. nbrShow
nbrStateShow Displays the state of neighbor devices. nbrStateShow
nbrStatsClear Clears neighbor statistics. nbrStatsClear
nodeFind Finds a node by WWN or IP. nodeFind –wwn 10:00:00:00:5e:00:53:af
nodeWwn Displays WWN details of connected nodes. nodeWwn
nsAliasShow Displays alias information from the Name Server. nsAliasShow
nsAllShow Displays all Name Server entries. nsAllShow
nsCamShow Shows Name Server CAM table entries. nsCamShow
nsDevLog Displays device login details from the Name Server. nsDevLog
nsShow Displays Name Server database. nsShow
nsZoneMember Shows zone members from the Name Server. nsZoneMember
nsZoneShow Displays zoning information from the Name Server. nsZoneShow
objServer Manages object storage servers. objServer –list
openSource Displays open-source software information. openSource
passwd Changes the user password. passwd
passwdCfg Configures password policies. passwdCfg –min-length 12
pathBwConfig Configures bandwidth for a given path. pathBwConfig –path A-B –bw 10Gbps
pathInfo Displays path information. pathInfo –src –dst
pdShow Displays port diagnostic information. pdShow
portAddress Shows port addressing information. portAddress
portBeacon Enables or disables port beaconing. portBeacon –enable
portBufferCalc Calculates buffer credit allocation. portBufferCalc –port 1
portBufferShow Displays buffer credit details. portBufferShow
portCamShow Displays port CAM table. portCamShow
portCfg Configures port settings. portCfg –speed 16G
portCfgAppHeader Configures application-specific headers for a port. portCfgAppHeader –set header1
portCfgAutoDisable Automatically disables a port under specific conditions. portCfgAutoDisable –enable
portCfgBreakout Configures breakout ports on modular switches. portCfgBreakout –enable
portCfgCleanAddress Clears stored addresses on a port. portCfgCleanAddress
portCfgCompress Configures compression on a port. portCfgCompress –enable
portCfgCongestionSignal Enables congestion signaling for flow control. portCfgCongestionSignal –enable
portCfgCreditRecovery Configures credit recovery on a port. portCfgCreditRecovery –enable
portCfgDefault Resets port configuration to default settings. portCfgDefault –port 5
portCfgDPort Configures a diagnostic port (D-Port). portCfgDPort –enable
portCfgEncrypt Enables encryption on a port. portCfgEncrypt –enable
portCfgEport Configures an E_Port. portCfgEport –enable
portCfgEportCredits Sets credit limit for an E_Port. portCfgEportCredits –limit 128
portCfgEXPort Configures an EX_Port for FCR. portCfgEXPort –enable
portCfgFaultDelay Configures fault delay timeout for a port. portCfgFaultDelay –time 5
portCfgFec Enables Forward Error Correction (FEC). portCfgFec –enable
portCfgFlexPort Configures a port as a flexible port (auto mode). portCfgFlexPort –auto
portCfgFlogiLogout Enables FLOGI logout for specific conditions. portCfgFlogiLogout –enable
portCfgFportBuffers Configures buffer credits for F_Ports. portCfgFportBuffers –buffers 10
portCfgGE Configures Gigabit Ethernet ports. portCfgGE –speed 1G
portCfgISLMode Configures Inter-Switch Link (ISL) mode. portCfgISLMode –enable
portCfgLld Configures Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). portCfgLld –enable
portCfgLongDistance Configures a port for long-distance mode. portCfgLongDistance –mode LD
portCfgLossTov Sets loss timeout value. portCfgLossTov –time 100
portCfgMsAcl Configures ACL for MS services. portCfgMsAcl –add-rule rule1
portCfgNPIVPort Configures NPIV for a port. portCfgNPIVPort –enable
portCfgNPort Configures a port as an N_Port. portCfgNPort –enable
portCfgOctetSpeedCombo Configures speed settings using octet-based values. portCfgOctetSpeedCombo –speed 16G
portCfgPersistence Enables or disables port persistence across reboots. portCfgPersistence –enable
portCfgPersistentDisable Disables a port persistently. portCfgPersistentDisable –port 2
portCfgPersistentEnable Enables a port persistently. portCfgPersistentEnable –port 2
portCfgQoS Configures Quality of Service (QoS) for a port. portCfgQoS –priority high
portCfgShow Displays port configuration details. portCfgShow –port 5
portCfgSpeed Sets port speed. portCfgSpeed –speed 16G
portCfgTdz Configures TDZ (traffic domain zoning) on a port. portCfgTdz –enable
portCfgTrunkPort Configures a port as part of a trunk group. portCfgTrunkPort –add 3
portChannel Creates and manages port channels. portChannel –create –members 1,2,3
portChannelShow Displays port channel details. portChannelShow
portCmd Executes port-related commands. portCmd –show-status
portDecom Decommissions a port. portDecom –port 7
portDisable Disables a port. portDisable –port 5
portDPortTest Runs a D_Port diagnostic test. portDPortTest –port 4
portEnable Enables a port. portEnable –port 5
portEncCompShow Displays encryption and compression settings. portEncCompShow –port 3
portErrShow Displays port error statistics. portErrShow –port 5
portFlagsShow Displays port flag settings. portFlagsShow –port 2
portImpair Simulates link impairments for testing. portImpair –delay 5ms
portLedTest Tests the LED functionality on a port. portLedTest –port 3
portLogClear Clears port log entries. portLogClear –port 5
portLogConfigShow Displays port log configuration. portLogConfigShow –port 4
portLogDisable Disables logging for a port. portLogDisable –port 2
portLogDump Dumps the port log to a file. portLogDump –file logs.txt
portLogDumpPort Dumps logs for a specific port. portLogDumpPort –port 6
portLogEnable Enables logging for a port. portLogEnable –port 2
portLogEventShow Displays logged events for ports. portLogEventShow –port 5
portLoginShow Displays login status of devices on a port. portLoginShow –port 7
portLogReset Resets the port log. portLogReset –port 3
portLogResize Resizes the log buffer for ports. portLogResize –size 10MB
portLogShow Displays port log entries. portLogShow –port 5
portLogShowPort Displays detailed logs for a specific port. portLogShowPort –port 2
portLogTypeDisable Disables specific log types for a port. portLogTypeDisable –type error
portLogTypeEnable Enables specific log types for a port. portLogTypeEnable –type error
portLoopbackTest Runs a loopback test on a port. portLoopbackTest –port 5
portName Assigns or displays the name of a port. portName –set “StoragePort1”
portPeerBeacon Activates port beaconing for peer identification. portPeerBeacon –port 3
portPerfShow Displays port performance statistics. portPerfShow –port 6
portShow Displays detailed port information. portShow –port 2
portStats64Show Displays 64-bit port statistics. portStats64Show –port 4
portStatsClear Clears port statistics. portStatsClear –port 5
portStatsShow Displays port statistics. portStatsShow –port 5
portTrunkArea Manages trunking areas for ports. portTrunkArea –set 10
portZoneShow Displays zoning information for a port. portZoneShow –port 7
powerOffListSet Configures the power-off list for devices. powerOffListSet –add device1
powerOffListShow Displays the current power-off list. powerOffListShow
psShow Displays power supply information. psShow –all
psUtil Utility for managing power supplies. psUtil –check-status
rasAdmin Administers RAS (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability) settings. rasAdmin –enable
rasMan Manages RAS functions. rasMan –restart
reBoot Reboots the system or switch. reBoot
relayConfig Configures network relay settings. relayConfig –set relay1
roleConfig Manages user roles and permissions. roleConfig –add admin
ron Read-only mode for configuration settings. ron –enable
routeHelp Displays routing help information. routeHelp
sBoot Performs a secure boot of the system. sBoot
sddQuarantine Manages SDD (Self-Defending Device) quarantine settings. sddQuarantine –list
secActiveSize Displays or configures active security size. secActiveSize –show
secAuthSecret Configures security authentication secrets. secAuthSecret –set key123
secCertMgmt Manages security certificates. secCertMgmt –import cert.pem
secCryptoCfg Configures cryptographic settings. secCryptoCfg –enable
secDefineSize Sets or shows defined security size. secDefineSize –set 2048
secPolicyAbort Aborts a security policy transaction. secPolicyAbort –policy default
secPolicyActivate Activates a security policy. secPolicyActivate –policy secure1
secPolicyAdd Adds a rule to a security policy. secPolicyAdd –rule allow-all
secPolicyCreate Creates a new security policy. secPolicyCreate –name policy1
secPolicyDelete Deletes a security policy. secPolicyDelete –name policy1
secPolicyDump Dumps security policy details. secPolicyDump –policy all
secPolicyFCSMove Moves FCS settings within security policies. secPolicyFCSMove –from policy1 –to policy2
secPolicyRemove Removes a rule from a security policy. secPolicyRemove –rule deny-all
secPolicySave Saves the current security policy configuration. secPolicySave
secPolicyShow Displays security policies. secPolicyShow –all
secStatsReset Resets security-related statistics. secStatsReset
secStatsShow Displays security statistics. secStatsShow
sensorShow Displays sensor-related information. sensorShow –temperature
setContext Sets the context for commands. setContext –storage
setVerbose Enables or disables verbose mode. setVerbose –enable
sfpProgram Programs SFP modules. sfpProgram –update
sfpShow Displays SFP module details. sfpShow –port 3
sfpUpgrade Upgrades firmware on SFP modules. sfpUpgrade –port 3 –firmware new_fw.bin
shellFlowControlDisable Disables shell flow control. shellFlowControlDisable
shellFlowControlEnable Enables shell flow control. shellFlowControlEnable
slotCfg Configures slot-related settings. slotCfg –set slot1
slotCfgPersistence Configures persistent settings for slots. slotCfgPersistence –enable
slotPowerOff Powers off a specific slot. slotPowerOff –slot 3
slotPowerOn Powers on a specific slot. slotPowerOn –slot 3
slotShow Displays slot information. slotShow –all
slotStatsClear Clears slot statistics. slotStatsClear –slot 3
snmpConfig Configures SNMP settings. snmpConfig –set community=public
snmpStatistics Displays SNMP statistics. snmpStatistics –show
snmpTraps Manages SNMP trap configurations. snmpTraps –enable
spinFab Spins up the fabric interface for initialization. spinFab –start
sshUtil Manages SSH configurations. sshUtil –set key
statsClear Clears collected statistics. statsClear –all
supportFfdc Collects First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) logs. supportFfdc –collect
supportFtp Manages FTP-based support data collection. supportFtp –enable
supportInfoClear Clears stored support information. supportInfoClear
supportLink Displays support-related links. supportLink –show
supportSave Saves support-related logs. supportSave –to ftp://server/path
supportShow Displays system support details. supportShow –all
supportShowCfgDisable Disables support configuration settings. supportShowCfgDisable –setting logs
supportShowCfgEnable Enables support configuration settings. supportShowCfgEnable –setting logs
supportShowCfgShow Displays current support configurations. supportShowCfgShow
switchBeacon Enables beaconing on a switch. switchBeacon –enable
switchCfgPersistentDisable Disables persistent switch configuration. switchCfgPersistentDisable
switchCfgPersistentEnable Enables persistent switch configuration. switchCfgPersistentEnable
switchCfgSpeed Configures switch speed settings. switchCfgSpeed –set auto
switchCfgTrunk Configures switch trunking settings. switchCfgTrunk –enable
switchDecommission Decommissions a switch from the fabric. switchDecommission –id 101
switchDisable Disables a switch. switchDisable
switchEnable Enables a switch. switchEnable
switchName Sets or displays the switch name. switchName –set CoreSwitch
switchShow Displays switch information. switchShow –all
switchType Displays the switch type. switchType
switchViolation Displays switch violation details. switchViolation –show
syslogAdmin Manages syslog settings. syslogAdmin –set server=
sysShutDown Shuts down the system. sysShutDown –confirm
tcpTimeStamp Configures TCP timestamp settings. tcpTimeStamp –enable
tempShow Displays temperature sensor readings. tempShow –all
timeOut Configures system timeout settings. timeOut –set 600
topologyShow Displays network topology. topologyShow –fabric
traceDump Dumps trace logs for diagnostics. traceDump –collect
trafClass Configures traffic classification settings. trafClass –set high-priority
trafOpt Optimizes network traffic settings. trafOpt –enable
trunkDebug Debugs trunk-related issues. trunkDebug –port 5
trunkShow Displays trunking status. trunkShow –all
tsClockServer Sets the time synchronization server. tsClockServer –set
tsTimeZone Configures the time zone settings. tsTimeZone –set UTC
turboRamTest Runs a turbo RAM test. turboRamTest –start
upTime Displays system uptime. upTime
uRouteShow Displays user-defined routing table entries. uRouteShow –all
usbStorage Manages USB storage settings. usbStorage –enable
userConfig Configures user accounts and permissions. userConfig –add admin
version Displays the system firmware version. version
wwn Displays or configures World Wide Names (WWNs). wwn –show
wwnAddress Configures WWN addresses. wwnAddress –set 10:00:00:00:c9:12:34:56
wwnRecover Recovers WWN settings. wwnRecover –last
zone Manages zoning configurations. zone –create storageZone
zoneAdd Adds a member to an existing zone. zoneAdd –name storageZone –member 20:00:00:00:c9:12:34:56
zoneCreate Creates a new zone. zoneCreate –name storageZone
zoneDelete Deletes an existing zone. zoneDelete –name storageZone
zoneFabricLock Locks the fabric zoning configuration. zoneFabricLock –enable
zoneHelp Displays help for zoning commands. zoneHelp
zoneObjectCopy Copies zoning object configurations. zoneObjectCopy –source zone1 –destination zone2
zoneObjectExpunge Removes outdated zoning objects. zoneObjectExpunge –old
zoneObjectRename Renames a zoning object. zoneObjectRename –oldname zone1 –newname zone2
zoneObjectReplace Replaces zoning object definitions. zoneObjectReplace –old zone1 –new zone2
zoneRemove Removes a member from a zone. zoneRemove –name storageZone –member 20:00:00:00:c9:12:34:56
zoneShow Displays zoning configurations. zoneShow –all

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